Colaboración entre la FUNDACIÓN REINA SOFÍA y el CSIC para la atracción de talento-investigador especializado en la gestión de plásticos sostenibles mediante aproximaciones biotecnológicas. Invitación para participar en la selección de un investigador o investigadora...
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José Luis García receives the Margarita Salas Research Award 2024
Prof. José Luis García, researcher at the Margarita Salas Biological Research Center (CSIC) and member of Susplast, has been awarded the Margarita Salas Research Award 2024 by the Community of Madrid. This award recognizes his research career and his knowledge...
Success at the PTI SusPlast+ Annual Assembly held this week
The groups belonging to the platform met on November 21 and 22 to demonstrate the progress of their investigations this year and announce the direction of the PTI in 2024. The fourth edition of the SusPlast Assembly was held in the Assembly Hall of the Margaritas...
PTI SusPlast co-organizes the virtual workshop “Sustainable plastics & EU-policies. Challenges & opportunities for industry and academia”
The workshop has been organized by the Biobased Materials Division of the European Federation of Biotechnology, and has the participation of Susplast as a co-organizing entity. The event is titled: "Sustainable plastics & EU-policies: Challenges &...
Get to know MATBIO and MATPRO, the new units of Grupo Envases for scientific-technical services.
The IATA Packaging Group, which is part of SusPlast, has been offering new units since 2023 to perform scientific-technical services: BIODEGRADABILITY AND COMPOSTABILITY OF MATERIALS UNIT (MATBIO) Since 2023, the MATBIO unit (Biodegradability and Compostability of...
The POLYBIO group explores and exploits the capacity of bacteria to produce and degrade plastics and thus contribute to the sustainability of the planet.
The POLYBIO group aims to explore and exploit the capacity of bacteria to produce and degrade plastics to contribute to the sustainability of the planet. The problem of environmental pollution generated by the massive use of plastic materials derived from the...
Celebrating 75 years of Innovation in the Rubber Industry in Spain, FUTURCAUCHO.
FUTURCAUCHO brought together industry leaders, researchers, academics and government officials. The FUTURCAUCHO event, which took place on June 8 at the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, marked an important milestone in the rubber industry in Spain by commemorating...
“Fighting plastic pollution”, the report coordinated by SusPlast for the CSIC’s SCIENCE4POLICY collection.
The CSIC has published the SCIENCE4POLICY report coordinated by SusPlast for free download. Under the title "Fighting pollution by plastics", the SCIENCE4POLICY program of the Higher Council for Scientific Institutions (CSIC) dedicated to promoting "science for...
The SFFM Group develops new aerogels made of graphene oxide reinforced with polymeric materials.
Polymer-reinforced graphene oxide monoliths for catalytic support In the Supercritical Fluids and Functional Materials Research Group (ICMAB-CSIC) we are developing new composite aerogels of graphene oxide reinforced with polymeric materials. With incorporating...
Mat-SusApp investigates obtaining compounds with high added value from the depolymerization of both lignin and PET
Mat-SusApp uses "upcycling" technology to obtain compounds with high added value from depolymerization. One of the main problems today is the excess of non-biodegradable plastics that are being generated and accumulated in our environment. This is why the Mat-SusApp...
Knowing the Directed Evolution of Enzymes Group (DEEL) of the ICP-CSIC and what is its role in SusPlast.
The end of life of plastics is a problem on the order of the day in our society, which increasinly demands quick and efficent solutions to alleviate this situation. The accumulation of millions of tons of plastics in the environment means a major challenge, which the...
SusPlast presents its report for the CSIC Science4policy collection.
On June 28, the CSIC will present Science4 Policy (S4P), a collection of reports that seeks to transfer the knowledge generated in the CSIC to the non-scientific world, with special emphasis on politicians at all levels of public administration, in order to They can...